
Introducing Way of Wander

The first question I would be asking at this point if I was you, is why does this site even matter? Well, here's why…

Aaron Ramirez

3 minute read

Hi, hello, and welcome to Way of Wander. A site about travel, adventure, and exploration of both the world and one’s self.

What is Your Greatest Self Imaginable?

What is the greatest self that you can possibly imaginable? The answer to this has the power to completely change your life.

Aaron Ramirez

4 minute read

It’s December, and that means its time for me to reflect on the past year as part of a larger process that I’ve put together over the years. This begins with reviewing the vision I’ve created for my own life. A vision that’s formed by answering this single question:

The Opportunity Within Discomfort

How discomfort can lead to growth instead of frustration.

Aaron Ramirez

5 minute read

Travel acts as the great intensifier of all experiences. Instead of just having fun I can be in a state of bliss. More than a feeling of control, I often realize the total freedom we have in life. And on the other end of the spectrum—instead of getting sick, illness brings me to a halt. Loneliness elevates into a complete disconnect, and jadedness is overshadowed by simply not giving a shit. Of course this isn’t unique to travel, but during my solo journeys especially, I often find myself in…